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February 13, 2009
Review - " Confessions of a Shopaholic "  - (in Theaters) By Roland Hansen
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Confessions of a Shopaholic movie poster
Confessions of a Shopaholic  
Directed by: P.J. Hogan
Starring: Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, Joan Cusack, John Goodman, John
Lithgow, Kristin Scott Thomas

January and february are traditionally lowpoints in the motion picture
viewing year, a dumping ground for sub-par movies that don't even deserve
to be shown never mind fit into prime summer and Christmas film release
dates. 2009 has been a major exception to this trend. There have been
more films coming out that I truly want to see than I have the time (or the
money) to watch. So far I have been enjoying these movies even more than
most of the Summer and Fall releases.The one exception was last week's
chick flick (the one which I'm just not that into), even though that one had
more star power, this one is, without a doubt, the better movie.

Struggling with her debilitating obsession with shopping and the sudden
collapse of her income source, Her hope is to land a job at a leading
fashion magazine, Alette, named for its legendary founder (Kristin Scott
Thomas). Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) unintentionally lands a job
writing for a financial magazine after a drunken letter-mailing mix-up.
Ironically writing about the very consumer caution of which she herself has
not abided, Rebecca's innovative comparisons and unconventional
metaphors for economics grants her critical acclaim, public success, and the admiration of her supportive boss Luke. But
as she draws closer to her ultimate goal of writing for renowned fashion magazine Alette, she questions her true
ambitions and must determine if overcoming her "shopaholic" condition will bring her real happiness. Just staying one
step ahead of her debt proves tricky.

Isla Fisher was perfectly cast in this movie. She is both funny & lovable. Her character has many faults. Among them is a
young person who has yet to learn that there will be consequences for all her impulsive actions. Isla and Hugh in leading
roles have chemistry between them, but surely, as the title says, she is driving force in it. Prepare to smile a lot and
sometimes laugh loudly. "Shopaholic" is Fisher's show though and it's a solid enough piece of work to support her while
she shows off her considerable skill. The supporting cast is strong and they've done a superb job. Goodman and Cusack
as Isla's funny parents, John Lightgow has a strong appearance without enough space for his character, and Kriston
Scott Thomas is hilarious with her Frenchified Alette. The rest of cast is as funny as them and generally movie leaves
you with happy face in the end.

I found the manikins in the store windows to be quite funny. Tempting her at every passing, luring her in to purchase
every shoe, hat & handbag they're hocking. It's a delightfully funny little story and while it takes a little long to finalize the
romance, correct the debt, mend friendships, and learn a thing or two about financial responsibility, the themes here are
identifiable and timely enough to keep interest.

"Confessions of a Shopaholic" is surprisingly likable, a
relief to guys who look at that title and shudder at the fact
that their probably going to be spending Valentines Day
with their girlfriends watching it. It's a good movie though,
unfortunately not the economic satire we could all use right
about now, but a good movie nonetheless. Fortunately this
Jerry Bruckheimer produced flick has Isla Fisher as its
headliner. Not only is she gorgeous but she will probably
grow to be one of the most gifted comic actresses around.
It's just a cute and funny movie which any of us, male or
female, can relate to, especially if we've ever accumulated
too big a balance on our credit cards. My advice is to take
your significant other & have a good time. Leave the
outside world outside and the credit cards behind - dare
to leave home without them.
Isla Fisher - Confessions of a Shopaholic