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February 14, 2009
Review - " Kristen Stewart films " - By Roland Hansen
Kristen Stewart – I recently viewed all of her available films so I am including a short review of her movies giving emphasis
on Kristen’s performance in each.

The Safety of Objects              

old smoker. And lastly, Helen Christianson (Mary Kay Place) is a health-nut soccer-mom alienated from her husband (C.
David Johnson), son (Aaron Ashmore) and daughter (Charlotte Arnold).

Clarkson is simply one of the best actors of all time: she is so utterly and effortlessly likable that she doesn't even have to
try to gain our sympathy. Mulroney tackles the difficulty of being a middle-aged husband to perfection, and Place
expresses similar frustration with subtlety and ease. But the central force among the characters is Close: while she hardly
speaks a word (unless she's talking to her son, that is), her sad smile of longing gazes at all of the events around her
with a combined sense of understanding and bewilderment. The younger actors playing the various children are very
good. Praise should be given to Kristen Stewart, who is incredible as the young Sam. She is a true winner.

The effectiveness of The Safety of Objects and all such 'burb-angst weepies comes down to how far viewers will go
toward feeling empathetic, or even sympathetic, rather than resentful toward such self-absorbed and self-loathing
characters. Simply put, there's too much going on, and too many fragile, damaged characters to fret appropriately over.

Panic Room

A very enjoyable film, it develops like a game of chess, each side making moves, it's very suspenseful.
The performance of Jared Leto was awesome. His character was funny and seemed to hold the action together. Jodie
Foster is great, as usual, and Kristen Stewart was very good as the Sarah. This role really suited Foster. Stewart was
brilliant, particularly encouraging her mother to tell the thieves to "Get the fuck out of my house!" Jodie Foster and
Kirsten Stewart have great chemistry and are completely believable as mother and daughter. They don't just look
related, they echo one another's verbal and facial mannerisms.

Cold Creek Manor

Enjoy the great acting of Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone, and in this film, I just about figured out how this story would
begin and end, just like most other films with an Old House and what generally happens to the people living in the rooms.
Cooper and Leah Stillson (Quaid & Stone) decide to purchase the house and their son and daughter simply love the
place, there are all kinds of items left behind by the former owners in this old sort of haunted looking house. They hire a
bad dude as a handyman. You can just about expect the usual thing that eventually happens in films that start off this
way, so watch it if you want, it is really not THAT bad.


Kristen Stewart won the Delta’s Choice award for best Dramatic performance for her role in “Speak”. Kristen was, simply,
amazing. For a 13 year old to take on the emotions of a rape victim, and to do it convincingly...that is incredible. Kristen
is an extraordinary actress in all of her roles, but I think the character she's portrayed the best is Melinda. Her
understated performance as Melinda Sordino is absolutely riveting. Stewart's performance is critical to this film because
she is not just the central character but also the narrator, the entire story is told from her point of view. Stewart is really
good at showing Melinda's emotions without barely talking. It was so amazing she does things with her expressions and
her facial detail that actors older than her are still trying to accomplish.

Melinda's flat and distanced narration is often contradicted by the crushing emotional trauma she is experiencing on the
screen, this dichotomy is a very effective way to illustrate her inner strength and multi-dimensionality. Melinda's
rejuvenation happens during her impromptu hospital visit, her voice-over reflects this change: "It happened. There's no
avoiding it. No forgetting." She bicycles to the scene of last summer's party where she confronts what happened to her
and decides to tell Rachel. The tree that inspired her painting helps tie everything together.

Virtually everyone should find this film engrossing, but it will especially appeal to those who like to see their heroines get
stronger as a story progresses. More than anything, watch SPEAK for Kristen Stewart's raw, honest, beautiful
performance. This young actress can convey more with one look than most veterans can with an entire monologue.

Catch That Kid

What ensues as they make their plan to rob the bank and begin to carry it out is funny, incredibly unrealistic, and
touching. Most of the humor comes from the two boys' crush on Maddy.

Kristen Stewart is great, she gives a good performance, and her two best friends are also good. The parents are a bit
one dimensional, but it doesn't really matter to the kids, which is the audience most likely to be attracted to this movie.


The supporting ensemble features a number of recognizable faces, including a very brief appearance by Bill
"Deliverance" McKinney ("Squeal like a pig!"), although unfortunately Kristen Stewart and Shiri Appleby don't get near
enough screen time. Realistically Kristen is irrelevant to this film. Her part is over in the first 30 minutes when she tells her
boyfriend, Chris “I’m afraid of the way you make me feel “ and serves only to introduce Chris’s having an underage
girlfriend. Overall this film isn’t worth the trouble it takes to watch.

Fierce People

substance abuse and struggles to win back her son's love and trust, Finn falls in love with Osbourne's beautiful
granddaughter, Maya, befriends her charismatic older brother, Bryce, and even wins the favor of Osbourne himself. But
when a shocking act of violence shatters Finn's ascension within the Osbourne clan, the golden promises of this lush
world quickly sour. And both Finn and Liz, caught in a harrowing struggle for their dignity, discover that membership
always comes at a price...

Anton Yelchin shows the kind of charm that would land him the lead in Charlie Bartlett. He is just a wonderful young actor
and gave an amazing performance. Diane Lane was funny and moving and just took my breath away. Donald Sutherland
has no problem with the clichéd role of the wise old coot who has life lessons to impart to a young protégé. Chris Evans
is suitably sleazy. And Kristen Stewart, who left an impression in In the Land of Women, shows why she was chosen for
that part.

Fierce People's first hour is dominated by brittle social satire, but in its third act, the film takes a jarring turn toward
tremblingly sincere melodrama.  All in all, I recommend this film to anyone who can appreciate an excellent movie.


Jonah Bobo and Josh Hutcherson work extremely well together as the two lead characters. They are so realistic as
brothers who are at each other's throats until each has to help the other win the game in order to go home again. Kristen
Stewart who plays the older teenage sister was also good. She acted like a real teenager who just wants to be left alone
and go to sleep. She was underused, but that was the point. The movie is supposed to be centered around the brothers.
Kristen Stewart's performance is a comedic delight, and Dax Shepard goes above and beyond in his role as the rugged
hero Astronaut. And to top it all off is Tim Robbins, a fine icing on this talent cake. The house and Zathura game-board
were both characters in and of themselves, every bit as important as the actors.

Zathura is very successful in creating a fun and visually convincing escape. Zathura is a fun fantasy film for families
everywhere. Over all, good fun film, enjoyable even for the more mature audience.

In The Land of Women

The Messengers

Stewart. Kristen is the lead and is very talented and convincing.

"The Messengers" is a thoroughly generic ghost story that brings nothing we haven't already seen countless times
before to the genre. It has a few genuinely suspenseful moments, but the movie is so conventional in its plotting, and
each "thrill" is so laborious in its set up and so predictable in its execution that what little tension there is in the early
stages evaporates very quickly indeed. Just for the record, before consigning the film to its inevitable place in the dustbin
of movie history, let me note that Kristen Stewart nicely plays the attractive teenage girl who has to put up with not only
the ghoulies and ghosties on the premises but her dimwitted parents as well.

The Cake Eaters

Dern. You expect a great performance from an actor with the experience and talent of Dern and he certainly did not
disappoint here. Dern is both wonderfully warm and funny. He has the best one-liners in the film. However, ever since I
first saw Kristen Stewart in her Delta Award winning role in “Speak” I have been waiting for just this quality of acting from
her. Until now I have been generally disappointed. Her performances in “The Messengers”, “In The Land of Women” &
“Zathura” were all OK but nothing exceptional. She was better in “Into the Wild” & “Fierce People” but not quite up to the
excellence she gives us in “The Cake Eaters”. Kristen plays Georgia, a young girl with Friedreich’s Ataxia, a
degenerative neurological disorder. Kristen's portrayal of Georgia is incredibly accurate and perfectly executed.

The beauty of The Cake Eaters is that it unfolds very unassumingly, taking its story and its progression as naturally as
possible. With subtle directing Masterson has crafted a gem of a film. It is definitely one worth watching.

Into The Wild

relationship for his freedom. This makes his realization that he needs to share it even sadder. Kristen's performance has
garnered much (deserved) critical praise. She also played guitar, sang on the soundtrack and actually composed one of
the songs, plus she looked absolutely fabulous lying on the bed in her underwear.

The entire movie was amazing - the acting and scenery was excellent and the plot was thought provoking. More people
should watch this to appreciate the message to us all. It is one of the best movies I've seen that portrays the contrast
between a materialistic world vs the natural world. This is a film that can easily be overlooked but not forgotten. Into the
Wild has a very special quality to it. It is a culmination of things, from the beautiful imagery, the fantastic script, the
amazing cast, the often mesmerizing quotations and of course the feeling of adventure and of true freedom. It is a unique
vision into the life of a young man searching for himself in a dangerous environment who comes to realize that the true
meaning of happiness may not be what he first thought. I highly recommend this film. It is one that will stay with you for a
long long time.


David Rice (Hayden Christensen) finds out as a teenager that he has the ability to “jump,” or teleport. His mother left
when he was five and he lives with his father. After almost drowning one day he accidentally jumps to a library, then
home, then to NYC, then into a bank to steal money.

Kristen Stewarts part is so small you might actually miss it if you aren't paying attention. She's in a single scene right at
the end of the movie for a total of about 90 seconds. She has perhaps 2 lines in the film so don't expect much.

With unexpected cameos from Diane Lane and Kristen Stewart, "Jumper" is plenty enjoyable.

There's no deep meaning here, no revelations or deep emotional impact, just pure summer escapism. This film is what a
movie is supposed to be interesting and entertaining.


character. Robert Pattinson fairly smolders on screen, so much so it's surprising that the celluloid doesn't literally catch
fire. He switches seemingly effortlessly between brooding angst, revulsion, anger, amusement, and fairly oozing charm.
There is no question that Stewart and Pattinson have loads of chemistry on screen.

Twilight’s built-in audience won’t be disappointed in the way the characters have been brought to life. They are lovely,
anguished, and plucky as they break the rules their respective societies have laid down for them. Far from a
masterpiece, though, it manages to be an entertaining bit of fantasy with a take on the vampire myth that is a refreshing
change from the ordinary.

The filming was very impressive, and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. The cast does a nice job of bringing the
characters to life. Stewart and Pattinson portray their characters exceptionally well, as does Billy Burke as Charlie, Bella's
father, adding surprising humor.

"Twilight" is tastefully adapted into an impressive movie that will leave viewers and fans satisfied and waiting for the

What Just Happened?

This film won't appeal to everyone, but it does have some good one liners and funny moments. If you have an interest in
how films come to be, this is a fun little flick. If you don't care about the behind-the-scenes, you may want to sit this one
out. I can't recommend this title to anyone but the dedicated film fan who will see a lot of the in jokes about Hollywood,
everyone else should give it a miss.


much. Feel sorry for me." but Em never feels that way. Stewart gets to demonstrate lots more backbone here than
“Twilight” allowed.

She also has some pretty dry humor jokes that make me laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and her performance.

Twilight: New Moon

looked much better in this, I don’t know if that is because we saw Edward at least glitter more but I just found it better than
Twilight was. And while Stewart has deepened her portrayal of Bella, Pattinson has little to do but brood - which he does

When it comes to the vampire world, either you’re in or you’re out. Overall, it was good with more action than Twilight
though in the end, still probably one only the true fans could love. Although all the basic elements of the book were
present, like "Star Wars: The Empire Fights Back" & "Back to The Future 2", New Moon suffers from being more of a
setup for the next installment rather than a complete movie in it's own right.

Twilight: Eclipse

defeat this army themselves, Edward's family turn to Jacob's tribe and the two form an unlikely alliance to fend off the

Female fans of the franchise should be satisfied by a great deal of smooching between Edward and Bella. The
proclamations of love leap right out of a romance novel, with innocence and sacrifice professed in fields of wildflowers,
spoken bare-chested amidst mountain ranges. The main trio of actors is to be commended for delivering the dialogue
with the right sticky-sweet flavor. They provide just enough breathless puppy love to make the young girls gasp. For the
first time in the filmed series, Bella seems to understand the implications of her choice: saying goodbye to loved ones
(perhaps forever) so that she can spend eternity with the high-school senior who is really more than a century old.

Eclipse isn't great, in that “the Academy will be wetting their pretentious pants over it” kind of way. But yes, I thoroughly
enjoyed it.

The Runaways

Kristen Stewart plays Joan Jett with skill, acting like a real badass throughout the entire film. The thing that bothers me is
how secondary her character is; a demerit for director/writer Floria Sigismondi. I personally would’ve liked to see more of
the story dedicated to Jett, and it’s surprising how little of Jett’s background was revealed to us with the actual Joan Jett
serving as executive producer for this movie. If not for the fact that The Runaways went through six different bassists (the
one in the movie was a fictitious character) during their brief tenure, the film could have been more interesting with the
use of an ensemble cast. Sadly this was not the case, and The Runaways really isn’t about The Runaways at all. It’s
more like the Cherie Currie story. And for people expecting to garner some knowledge about the historic rock and roll
band, you’re going to leave the theater in a pretty disappointed state of mind.

The performances by Stewart and Fanning elevate The Runaways to a little better than mediocre. While watching Kristen
bounce around braless and give lingerie clad Dakota a couple liplock's is worth seeing you'll ultimately
have to walk out
of this one and won't really mind doing so.

The Yellow Handkerchief

Welcome to the Rileys

decides it might be better that he's not seen. So, he obliges and they head to the room. Doug isn't interested in Mallory
stripping for him. Doug soon realizes that Mallory is definitely not as old as she's letting on. She's living in squalor, has
hardly any money, and spends her nights as a prostitute. He makes it his mission to help her. Perhaps he's filling the
void left by his daughter, or maybe he's just finding something else to occupy his time.

Gandolfini and Leo are both excellent in the film. Doug wanting to be a father to a girl who he knows isn’t his daughter,
but still has to protect. Lois as the recluse trying to gain her life and marriage back. But the film gets attention because of
Kristen Stewart. This is a completely different Stewart. Very little clothing, constant use of the f-bomb and slang words for
female body parts is definitely not something tweens will be used to from their Bella. Stewart looks haggard, and as the
camera zooms in on her face, we see that the years of living on her own working strip clubs and back alleys have
certainly taken their toll. She's also covered in reddish bruises that are perfectly visible, adding to the already dreadful
backstory of this young girl.

Welcome to the Rileys is a pleasant, heart-warming movie about a couple who try to help a young girl. Watching Doug
and Lois work through their differences and try to patch together their own marriage is admirable. These are courageous
characters. Their story is simple and charming.
For comments or to submit a movie review for possible inclusion on Delta Films site
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Kristen Stewart (semi nude) - The Cake Eaters
Kristen Stewart - Catch That Kid
Kristen Stewart in bikini - Cold Creek Manor
Kristen Stewart & Anton Yelchin - Fierce People
Kristen Stewart & Emile Hirsch - Into The Wild
Kristen Stewart, Diane Lane & Hayden Christensen - Jumper
Kristen Stewart - In The Land of Women
Kristen Stewart ready for bed in - The Messengers
Kristen Stewart & Jodie Foster - Panic Room
Kristen Stewart - The Safety of Objects
Kristen Stewart - Speak
Kristen Stewart - Undertow
a frozen Kristen Stewart & Josh Hutchinson - Zathura
Kristen Stewart & Rob Pattinson - Twilight
Four families struggle with life in suburbia, each searching for
a reason to wake up the next morning. Esther Gold (Glenn
Close) is a reclusive middle-aged mother whose closest
friend is her comatose son (Joshua Jackson). Her daughter,
Julie (Jessica Campbell), is obsessed with her weight and
deals with sexual frustration. Jim Train (Dermot Mulroney) is a
high-paid lawyer who is turned down for a promotion and is
almost entirely isolated from the rest of his family. His wife,
Susan (Moira Kelly), might be having an affair with a family
friend, and his son Jake (Alex House) is developing a fetish
for his sister's doll. Annette Jennings (Patricia Clarkson) has
to handle with the sudden intrusion of her ex-husband asking
for their children back, one of whom is mentally incapacitated
while the other (Kristen Stewart) is an androgynous 12-year-
After her divorce, Meg Altman (Jodie Foster) and her daughter
Sarah (Kristen Stewart) move into an old-fashioned house with
one very modern addition: a "panic room" which is virtually
impossible to break into, designed for refuge during a home
invasion.  Three unscrupulous thieves break in the mother and
daughter end up trapped in the panic room, the same room
which the ruthless criminals want to get into. Of course her
daughter is sick and the medicine she needs to survive is
outside with the bad guys.

Some of the camera shots are incredible and the timing of the
movie is phenomenal. You do manage to stay at the edge of
your seat without a lot of tense music added to force you there.
Really, the movie is good, full of twists, turns and jolts.
This truly is conveyer-belt movie making at its finest (Or
worst) with Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone starring as a
couple who move out to a manor in the middle of nowhere,
taking their children (Ryan Wilson & Kristen Stewart) with
them. They're sick of the high-stress city they're in and want
to live at a slower place. The problem emerges with Stephen
Dorff's Dale, a mysterious stranger who turns up out of
nowhere and declares he lived there prior to them, but was
thrown out by messing up the mortgage. He asks for a job
decorating the place and despite their reservations, they
take him in to help fix the pool. The more they get to know
him, though, the more they begin to wish they'd never met

Kristen does an adequate job of playing a spoiled teen. Not
one of her better performances but just sort of ordinary. 12
year old boys will enjoy the scenes with her in a bikini.
Melinda Sordino is a wounded young woman. In flashbacks
we see her as a happy and social teenager, in sharp
contrast with the taciturn and lonely girl we watch boarding
the bus to go to school as the film begins. In flashbacks one
gets to know the trauma that Melinda has gone through. All
her bitterness is kept hidden inside her, as she won't talk
about it, much less tell her distant parents what made her
change. Steve Zahn is seen as the understanding teacher
who sees all the potential in Melinda and is instrumental in
giving her the confidence she should have. Elizabeth Perkins
and D.B. Sweeney are Melinda's parents who should have
seen what's wrong with her from the start, but being so
involved with their lives, don't pay attention to their suffering
Catch That Kid, an enjoyable movie for the whole family?
I think so. The story is about a young girl named Maddy, a
tomboy who loves climbing. Her parents, however, have
forbidden her to climb due to an accident her father had
which seriously injured his back. Though he had apparently
recovered, something goes wrong which leaves him paralyzed
from the neck down. Maddy's mother Molly does everything
she can to find the money needed - $250,000 - for an
operation to save him. But there is nothing she can do.
Maddy, still determined to save her dad, sees robbing the
bank at which her mother is setting up a security system as
her only option. She quickly enlists the help of her two best
friends - Gus, a go-cart mechanic and Austin, a computer
geek - who both happen to be in puppy love with her.
Undertow is about two brothers living with their father in rural
America. They live inside the woods since their father wants to
keep away from other people. The oldest son, Chris, is a
troubled kid almost always in trouble with the law. The youngest
son has health problems. One day the father’s brother comes
to visit, recently out of prison. He stays for a while before
starting a new job. Soon though, there is trouble. Things
happen and before long the two brothers are running from their

The story here is perhaps nothing you haven't seen before at
one time or another. All the main characters are well acted.
Jamie Bell is excellent as the oldest brother. Also Josh Lucas
does a terrific job playing the boys' unpleasant uncle.
Trapped in his mother's Lower East Side apartment,
sixteen-year-old Finn wants nothing more than to escape New
York and spend the summer in South America studying the
Iskanani Indians, or "Fierce People," with the anthropologist
father he's never met. But Finn's dreams are shattered when
he is arrested in a desperate effort to help his
drug-dependent mother, Liz, who scrapes by working as a
masseuse. Determined to get their lives back on track, Liz
moves the two of them into a guest house on the vast country
estate of her ex-client, the aging aristocratic billionaire,
Ogden C. Osbourne. In Osbourne's close world of privilege
and power, Finn and Liz encounter a tribe fiercer and more
mysterious than anything they might find in the South
American jungle: the super rich. While Liz battles her
Danny and Walter are two brothers who barely get along
even while driving their parents to distraction as their older
sister tries to ignore them. Despite their squabbling, the
brothers manage cooperate enough to play an old
mechanical board game named Zathura. However, after
their first move, they find that the game has apparently flung
them, their sister and their entire house into outer space.
Furthermore, the brothers surmise the only way to return
home is to finish the game. However with almost every move,
new dangers arise as the siblings find themselves learning
to cooperate in ways they never expected as they realize
what they mean to each other.
His world in complete disorder after his break-up with a famous actress,
Carter, a young soft-core porn writer, goes to suburban Detroit to care for
his sickly Grandmother and heal his broken heart. Along the way he forms
a special bond with the family that lives across from his Grandma, and
changes the life of each woman. In the course of this, as is required in
every film--and thus the world, he changes his own life as well.

Kristen Stewart is maturing as a powerful young star. Stewart resonates in
Lucy a bold spirit and smart edge. She beautifully captures Lucy's angst
and vulnerability as a teenager defining her self. Meg Ryan, who plays
Lucy's suffering mother Sarah Hardwicke, is awesome giving one of her
best performances in years. Makenzie Vega makes an impressive turn as
Lucy's younger sister Paige, the precocious yoga practicing preteen.
Olympia Dukakis is brilliantly subtle as Grandmother Phyllis. For the most
part she is comic relief. However, her character provides a wake up call to
Carter: "One day I am going to be dead, and you will still be alive…"

With really lovable characters on screen at all times it's hard to take your
eyes away. With ups and downs in life that so many of us deal with, you can
just take a breath and say, "Yeah, I know that feeling."  In the Land of
Women is bittersweet and moving.
Roy Solomon, his wife Denise, their teenage daughter
Jessica and their little son Ben move from Chicago to an old
farm in North Dakota to rebuild their family, financially
affected by the long unemployment of Roy and a car
accident of Jessica that has brought serious problems to
Ben. Roy plants sunflowers in the land and hires the stranger
Burwell to help him until the harvest. When Jess sees ghosts
and poltergeists in the house, her parents do not believe on
her. She tries to prove that she is not insane or trying to call
their attentions, and discovers the fate of the former owners.

The only positive elements I can think of are the beautiful
rural filming locations, the adequate editing job and the
promising young acting talents (and beauty) of Kristen
The return of a prodigal son Guy (Jayce Bartok who also
wrote the screenplay) sets in motion an emotional chain of
events for two interconnected families in a small upstate New
York town. Grieving after the recent death of his mother,
young Beagle (Westford, MA native Aaron Stanford) sinks
into sullen resentment, angered not just by his brother’s
absence but also he is reminded of how he had to put his
life on hold to care for his parents, one dying and one
unable to stay and watch. Their father, Easy, is played by
the legendary Bruce Dern (Coming Home, The great
Gatsby, The Astronaut Farmer). Beagle’s morose manner
hides and artistic bent, noticed only by a terminally ill high
school student, Georgia, played by Kristen Stewart. Guy
returns and attempts to repair the rifts with his family and
friends caused by his sudden abandonment and three year
absence while dealing with his own demons and feelings of
guilt. Easy must deal with the consequences of the
discovery of his long standing affair.

Although the whole cast is excellent, special note must be
given to the performances of Kristen Stewart, Aaron
Stanford (X-Men 2 & 3, The Hills Have Eyes) and Bruce
After graduating from Emory University, top student and
athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his
possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to
charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness.
Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of
characters who shape his life.

Emile Hirsh was undoubtedly the star and gave an oscar
worthy performance as Chris McCandless. The supporting
actors are all brilliant, especially Hal Holbrook as Mr. Franz
(Holbrook won the Delta Choice Award for this performance)
and Kristen Stewart as the young, horny, hippy singer
Tracy. Chris' partings with Hal Holbrook and Tracy are the
most heart-wrenching. Chris rejects a flourishing romantic
For a teenager, one of the hardest life changes is to be
transferred to a new school in the middle of a grade,
especially if that grade is in high school. Such is the
unenviable situation of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), who
has moved from Phoenix to the small Washington State town
of Forks in the midst of her junior year. Her new school isn't
a bad place. Despite the small size of the student body, it
has all the usual cliques: jocks, nerds, outcasts, and Goths.
The final group is unusual in that it's comprised of  real life
vampires. Of course, no one knows that.

Kristen Stewart acquits herself admirably. She brings a
seriousness to Bella that works because she plays the role
absolutely straight. We believe her because she sells the
Kristen Stewart in mourning - What Just Happened?
The film tells the story of a successful Hollywood producer, Ben, played by
Robert Deniro, as he juggles his personal and professional crises. This film
has an impressive cast including Robin Wright Penn as Ben's second wife,
Kelly; Kristen Stewart as Zoe, Ben's eldest daughter from his first marriage;
John Turturro as Dick, the stereotypical shifty agent; Stanley Tucci as
Scott, the blocked screenplay writer; Michael Wincott as Jeremy, the
temperamental director; Catherine Keener, as Lou, the hardcore studio
exec;  Bruce Willis as himself,the demanding movie star; and Sean Penn as
himself, the demanding movie star.

What ensues is a rather biographical tale of a man trying to deal with big
shots in suits, a Bruce Willis in a Grizzly Adams beard plus twenty extra
pounds around the middle, and a wife that recently kicked him out. It's a
funny story for sure, but a lack of focus on the story's greatest elements
(being the Hollywood satire) hurts the overall pacing and momentum of the

it is delightful to see Catherine Keener playing the passionlessly icy studio
head. Toronto-born actor Michael Wincott portrayal of the temperamental,
eccentric director is also a joy to watch, and the scene of their
confrontation, with Ben in the middle, is a treat. Stanley Tucci's slightly
underplayed sleazy screenwriter is as watchable as scene-stealing John
Turturro's slightly overplayed neurotic Hollywood agent. Kristen Stewart is
wonderful as the teenage daughter with a secret, but she was woefully
underused and her story arc went nowhere. Playing themselves are
sure-fired Sean Penn and Bruce Willis.
Kristen Stewart & Jesse Eisenberg - Adventureland
Adventureland” stars Jesse Eisenberg as James, a recent
college grad who had hoped to spend the summer
backpacking through Europe. After his family suffers an
economic downturn James is stuck taking the only job he can
get, working the games concessions at a run-down local
theme park.

Kristen Stewart's acting is superb in this film. Her character
could almost seem, dare I say, bratty on paper, but Kristen
added a sort of extra bit of brokeness to the character that
made you feel completely sympathetic for her. Her character
never seems like she's asking for sympathy, but you feel it
anyway. Most roles like that, you feel like the character is
saying, "Oh man, look at me, I'm so sad and my life sucks so  
Chris Weitz, who directs the second chapter in Stephenie
Meyer's adored young adult series, knows exactly who
matters in this particular club: Bella, Edward, and the girls
who love them. So fans will feel fully at home from the
opening scenes of “New Moon,” which establish a pattern
that holds all the way through: swooning romance and
enough sharp cheekbones and shirtless boys to carry any
adolescent over to the next installment. (And quite a few of
their moms as well)

I think this film was an improvement on “Twilight” and really
did pick up in strength. The werewolves looked fantastic,
reallistic  in size terms and how they moved. I was definitely
impressed with this. Also I found the glittering of the Vampires
It only seems like yesterday that I was sitting here thinking
about New Moon and already the next instalment of The
Twilight Saga, Eclipse hit the big screen. Does it manage to
deliver? Well, the answer in short is yes, with Eclipse being
not only the best instalment of the franchise so far, but being
a solid standalone movie in its own right.

Set just a couple of weeks on from the events in New Moon,
life has settled back down in Forks and the romance of
Edward and Bella continues on much in the same vein, only
with werewolf Jacob making his feelings well and truly known.
Rivalries are soon put aside, though, when it is realised that a
vampire army is being created in Seattle by somebody
wanting to come and look for Bella. Knowing they cannot
Sex! Drugs! Rock ‘n’ roll! With all of these sure to be
included, The Runaways already had a head start to become
a fun movie before its screenplay was even written. Too bad
the final product wound up as one of the most clichéd and
boring band films ever made.

Based on the true story of the 1970s all-girl band of the
same name, “The Runaways” stars Kristen Stewart as a
young Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie, who
is recruited at 15 to become the band’s lead singer. The film
follows the girls as they navigate the sexist music industry,
find stardom abroad and eventually reach the demise that
led Jett to become a popular solo artist.
William Hurt plays a freshly paroled Louisiana ex-con with a history of
violence - as Maria Bello can attest in parallel flashbacks - who hitches a lift
and briefly becomes a father figure to a makeshift family of self-perceived
misfits. Behind the wheel is a socially retarded, redneck eccentric (Eddie
Redmayne) with a dire need for Ritalin and a hard-on for the other drifter, a
too-trusting teen romantic (Kristen Stewart) with daddy issues and an
awkward surge of budding sexuality. It’s the mismatched-ensemble-together-
in-loneliness formula that Sundance dreams are made of, and the
predictables add up: that title image signaling hope from afar; a run-in with
the police, and occasionally the next line of dialogue. Still, Hurt’s revealed
criminal past could've been cringe-worthy, and it’s not. All three leads are
solidly convincing in their candor. And the cinematographer, Chris Menges,
shoots the hell out of the swampy South to make for a nontoxic diversion.

The Yellow Handkerchief should be the stuff of compelling human drama:
Lonely characters forging a bond in the depressed roads of rural, post-
Katrina Louisiana. An ex-convict aching with regret and desperate for
redemption. Awkward young love struggling to blossom in infertile soil.
Stewart’s accomplished turn as Martine should help distinguish her from her
most well-known role as a teenybopper vampiress, And to his and the film’s
credit, Hurt isn't slowing down a beat at 60, imbuing his character with a
stronger depth of feeling than Dignam's script conveys on its own.
Several years ago Doug Riley (Gandolfini) and his wife Lois
(Leo) lost their daughter in a car accident. They've slowly
drifted apart. Doug spends most of his time playing poker with
his buddies and having an affair with a local waitress. Lois has
become agoraphobic and won't even leave the house to get
the paper from the driveway. They barely talk to each other.

In New Orleans for a work convention Doug visits a strip club,
but isn't actually interested in the strippers. Perhaps it's just
another place to drown his sorrows. That's where he meets
Mallory (Stewart). She gyrates her hips in front of him and asks
him if he wants to go to the "private room." Doug doesn't want
to until he sees a pack of guys from the convention and then