June 26, 2009
Review - " Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen "
- (in Theaters) By Roland Hansen
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Directed by Michael Bay
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and
John Turturro
Everyone knows, the Summer movie season would not be a season
without action-packed blockbuster that kicks butt. Well, you do not have
to worry more because this season is now officially a real season thanks
to Shia LaBeouf's new blockbuster flick. Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf)
and Mikaela Banes (Megan Fox) are once again caught up in a battle
between the Autobots® and the Decepticons® in “Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen.”
Time has come for Sam to depart for college, and while he tries to
reconcile his long distance relationship, an unwelcome development
occurs when a shard from the Cybertron cube. It fuses Sam with the clues
to a secret source of Energon, as well as a deceased group of Primes,
whom Optimus is an ancestor. Of course, this peaks the Decepticon’s
interest, and Megatron is resurrected and rises from the depths to
destroy a nuclear sub. But we learn he’s only mere apprentice to one
known as The Fallen. A Prime who went rogue, he covets the Energon
source; he cares little that possessing it would vanquish the sun and
kill everything on Earth.
Making matters worse, things have never been worse for the Autobots.
Optimus Prime has fallen valiantly in combat. The United States
government wants them all off the planet. Decepticons are arriving

en masse, with The Fallen taking charge of the
Earth. But all is not lost, as Sam and the US
military rally with the Autobots in a massive battle
royale at an Egyptian pyramid housing the
Energon source.
Longterm Transformer fans will appreciate
homages to the old series, especially the
inclusion of the Leadership Matrix, the
Constructicons, and Starscreams’ willingness to
abandon his wounded leader. The inclusion of
Soundwave is also welcome for longtime fans,
although he appears in an alternate form. Two of
the newest Autorbots are childish urban
sterotypes, named Skidz and Mudflap. Both
voiced by Tom Kenny, the voice behind
Spongebob Squarepants, they’re both useless as
fighters and annoying. They weren't interesting
characters, they only served to offer up the base
sort of dialogue and slapstick humor that kids
would find funny. Their inclusion didn't bother me
because we're talking about a film franchise built
on a childs toy line. It's no surprise that the film
would do more to focus on kids. Another problem
is Sam’s inability to say “I Love You” to Megan
Fox. Shia, they’re are enough guys who’ll tell
Megan Fox “I Love You” to fill the Grand Canyon.
What the hell is your problem?
Everything that was entertaining in the first film for
adults was dialed up. Transformers worked
because there was just enough adult style humor
(either innuendo or fast passed dialogue) and
sexuality (the hot Megan Fox) to entertain the
adults without being pushed on the kids. In this
film the sexual overtones run high. A new female
blistering firefights. Major props are due to scripters Ehren
Kruger, Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman for creating not only a
horrific villian in The Fallen, but crafting a wild roller coaster
ride. Industrial Light & Magic and Digital Domain outdo
themselves in creating realistic special effects work, while the
inclusion of Linkin Park, Green Day and others lend a hip
angle to the soundtrack.
Revenge of the Fallen takes Hasbro's toys to the heights of
21st-century CGI and moviemaking technology. Focusing
even more on what audiences seemed to appreciate last time
around - that is, the stupefying sight of colossal alien robots
morphing quite realistically into earthly contraptions, and vice
versa - the plot serves as merely a pretext to showcase lots of
well-designed creations, which run the gamut from a remote-
control toy car to an actual Stealth fighter.
The film was very entertaining. The humor is still there. Shia
plays his role perfectly. Megan Fox does a little more work
this time with some good interactions with Sam and a funny
relationship with a new small transformer. The people that
steal this film, though, are Sams parents. They are fantastic.
Funnier this time around then from their small roles in the first
film - and later on Sams dad shares a surprisingly good
dramatic moment with his son in the face of danger.
Transformers has bombastic action sequences. The actions
scenes chew up a lot of time. The end robot/human battle in
Egypt is a 30-minute, non-stop action-lovers dream which will
surely have teen boys swooning all summer. It's a movie so
ridiculously over the top that you'll doubtlessly enjoy it. What
we’re given is a nifty, fantastically loud and thrilling popcorn
film—one that would make Optimus Prime himself beam with
Allspark pride.
In short, ignore the rancor you might read on the Internet.
“Transformers” is a massive thrill ride, one that will leave you
with a huge smile on your face. While you’re grinning away,
just remember, they’ve greenlighted “Transformers 3″ for

suitor for Sam practically dry humps him twice
(once revealing her panties as she bends over).
The last third of the moving involves numerous
"Baywatch" slow motion running scenes for
Megan Fox.
Thank God director Michael Bay knows how to
make up for a film’s weaknesses. The finale is a
massive battle between the Decepticons and the
Autobots/US Military. More ammunition is spent
than was used in the first 2 World Wars, and you
barely get a chance to take a breath in the