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March 8,  2010
Review - " She's Out of My League "  -  (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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She's Out of My League
Directed by: Jim Field Smith
Starring Alice Eve, Jay Baruchel, T.J. Miller

Let's get this part of out of the way, She's Out of My League executes
a story that we've all heard before.  It also has a few sequences where
one may begin to wonder if this is going to have anything but a few
chuckles, which is mainly due to the opening.  Once the 104 minute
presentation begins warming up, and starts to flex that R-rating, the
audience goes all in.

Kirk (Jay Baruchel) is your typical guy with not much happening.  If his
life was compared to an article of clothing, it would be a plain white
t-shirt, possibly with a stain on the front.  He works TSA at the
Pittsburgh airport with his three good buddies Stainer (T.J. Miller), Jack
(Mike Vogel) and Devon (Nate Terrance).  Kirk wants to get back his
old girlfriend Marnie (Lindsay Sloane) despite all his friends being
against it.  On a typical day at the job, a striking woman named Molly
(Alice Eve) is going through airport security, with everyone in the area
gawking at her.  Once she gets on the plane she realizes that her
phone is missing and Kirk has found it.  She arranges a meeting with
the less-than-confident Kirk and to his surprise she asks him out on a

Kirk is confused.  His three good friends are even more confused.  
Molly's friend Patty (Krysten Ritter) is borderline shocked and isn't
afraid to share her blunt thoughts.  The question of why Molly, who
everyone considers a "hard" 10, would want anything to do with Kirk.  
As things progress between the two, Kirk takes advice, both good and
bad, from his friends, in the effort to make sense of what is happening between he and Molly.  This leads him down a path of
self-discovery and puts him in some hilarious situations.

Don't worry my friends, this flick doesn't get too serious at any moment.  Sure it tries to add a little substance at the climatic
moment between Molly and Kirk, and one will probably roll your eyes, since it follows patterns of prior movies in the genre.  
The message the material sends is actually worth hearing though and it's there just to complete the story.  Thankfully, the
moments when the movie goes for the big laughs, most of them work to perfection and are timed quite well.  This is all
enabled by the supporting cast.

Although Jay and Alice are the stars of the flick, their characters are used for the supporting cast to play off throughout
most of the feature.  Indirectly, the supporting cast is the true stars and make this baby go.  Krysten Ritter doesn't have the
meatiest role but when her character is present on screen, you'll know it and enjoy every word coming out of her mouth.  All
three of the above mentioned friends of "Kirk" play distinct characters that all mesh well together.  "Stainer" is your know it
all guy that can't execute what he preaches.  "Jack" is the confident one who has a no-holds barred approach to everything.
 "Devon" is the guy that balances out the crazy thinking of the other two guys and is not afraid to let his feelings show via
Disney themes.

Then we have "Kirk's" family that adds another random dimension for the story to have fun with.  Dialogue between "Kirk"
and his older brother "Dylan" (Kyle Bornheimer) have its moments.  Other than that, the family portion of the flick could have
been handled better.  Dialogue as a whole was interesting.  Once certain characters started yapping, one may wonder if it
was going anywhere.  At times it felt like a comedian trying to win back the crowd.  Luckily, they do win the audience back
the majority of the time.  Aside from some time-filler scenes, the flick doesn't really struggle with its pacing.  You do get a
feeling though that the shooting of scenes were just as nonchalant as the characters in the flick.  Perhaps a extra push
could have had a few more laughs.

Overall, She's Out of My League is a satisfying entry in the sex-comedy genre.  A strong cast and a good amount of brash
dialogue can keep the audience involved the entire way and get one through the dud scenes.  If that doesn't work, the guys
in the audience will just stare at "Molly's" cleavage since it's on display in every scene.  Perhaps the ladies will do the same.  
If it wasn't for the nice R-rated sequences
spread throughout, She's Out of My League
would just be another cliche'd time-passer.  
Compared to the recent comedies similar in
vein, the flick is worth one's time at the theater.

Honestly, I thought I was in for another movie
aimed at 17 year old boys, but I actually found
it to be extremely funny and charming.  This
would be a great date movie since it has
appeal for both men and women.  Enough
crude humor to satisfy even the most juvenile
men, yet enough romance to make us mom's
happy too.  This is rated-R, but mainly
because of a little language , crude humor
and 1 skinny naked butt scene.  It kind of
reminded me of "Something about Mary", so
if you liked that, you most likely would like this