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March 14, 2010
Review - " The Bounty Hunter "  -  (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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The Bounty Hunter
Directed by: Andy Tennant
Starring: Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Baranski, Jason

Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston team up in Andy Tennant’s new
comedy, “The Bounty Hunter,” which follows the fated matching of a
divorced couple struggling to do their jobs.

Butler plays Milo Boyd, an on-the-job bounty hunter living the not-so-
wonderful life chasing down parole jumpers for a never-steady
paycheck. He is given the assignment of his dreams — to chase down
and turn in his ex-wife on a bond.

Nicole Hurley, played by Aniston, is a journalist rising through the
ranks by devoting her entire life to work. Having been summoned to
traffic court for an incident involving a police officer, Hurley skips out
of her hearing and the judge revokes her bail.

On the run from the law and chasing down her snitch, Hurley
concludes that recent police officers’ stories about a recent suicide
are not adding up. Certain foul play is involved, Hurley gets in too
deep and it is up to Boyd to save her.

Struggling to protect Hurley as he takes her back to jail, Boyd realizes
the full weight of their situation as the couple is forced to a bed and
breakfast from the past, to work through their issues in order to stay
alive now.
Based on a rather fun premise, “Bounty Hunter” is a light-hearted comedy of awkward meetings. A wildly destroyed marriage
brought back together by the interaction of law enforcement and reckless driving. This film may brighten your day with its
over the top antagonism. From start to finish, Bounty Hunter includes both physical comedy and dramatic irony. Aniston and
Butler, show off their comedic timing and chemistry between the characters.

While well-directed, the movie seemed to lack a special characteristic about it to set it apart from other romantic comedies of
its time. The movie was fairly predictable and without the power of its main stars, it would have been a letdown.

Romantic comedies, having shared a generally similar structure in the past few years, all pull toward mediocrity without an
above-par idea to separate them from the pack. With a unifying theme undermining these movies, it makes the director’s job
more difficult in portraying a unique point of view. This movie lacked such a sub-story and without such, I believe it falls
below the expectations I had going in.

While good for some laughs, the movie leaves you feeling average and a little less rich in the books. But if you are a fan of
Aniston or Butler, it might be worth seeing.