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December 11, 2010
Review - " Tangled "  -  (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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Direcetd by: Nathan Greno, Byron Howard
Starring: Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy, Ron Perlman, M.C.
Gainey, Jeffrey Tambor, Brad Garrett

It’s almost hard to believe that the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale,
“Rapunzel,” has never been made into a Disney musical before. But the
story of the girl with long hair has finally made it to the big screen with
“Tangled,” which is a charming and fun adaptation of the popular fairy tale.
The filmmakers found away to make the story fresh and contemporary
while at the same time capturing all of the magic of a classic Disney
film. “Tangled” is the 50th Disney animated film and the last of their
princess movies. Although there is one big difference from this film and it’s
forty-nine predecessors, “Tangled” uses CGI animation as apposed to the
classic 2D animation of the previous movies, not to mention that it is also
presented in 3D. While it’s hard not to miss the traditional animation, the
CGI and 3D is tastefully done and adds to the story rather than distracting
from it. The effects make Rapunzel’s hair really come alive, which is
essential to the plot of the movie

Fans of princess movies will get their fix here. Tangled features more than
a few traditional trademark fairy tale touches (it is, after all, loosely based
on the Brothers Grimm tale of Rapunzel).

There’s the beautiful, young maiden who is mistreated by a nasty, vain
mother-figure (a la “Snow White” and “Cinderella”).
Like Cinderella and other princesses, Tangled‘s golden-haired Rapunzel has a special way with animals. In fact, her only
friend in the world is a animal creature (in this case, a cute chameleon). And there’s lots of dreaming of freedom (think of
Jasmine in “Aladdin” and Mulan). Plus, of course, some old-fashioned courtship and romance courtesy of Flynn Rider, a
rafish boy who might just be her prince charming (like “Aladdin”).

But the movie will also resonate with parents who can relate to its larger theme of an overbearing mother who doesn’t want to
lose control of her child.

“Tangled ain’t just a tale of a young Princess finding her way. It ain’t just about Rapunzel finding her Prince. It’s also about a
topic that is heavy, heated and sometimes heartbreakin.......the struggles of the mother daughter relationship.”

Overall, though, I’d say that Rapunzel is a wonderful role model for young girls: she’s faithful and devoted, but also
adventurous and open-minded. Her bravery and big heart lead her to follow her dream, despite the many obstacles that get
in her way. She also knows how to sing a catchy tune!

The dialogue was snappy and clever without being too snarky and laden with pop-culture references (a la Shrek). The
casting team at Disney has struck gold with Mandy Moore playing Rapunzel and Zachary Levi portraying the dashing,
debonair and decidedly criminal Flynn. Not your usual set-up for a Disney film romance, no? That is why Tangled is a
triumph in telling the story of the girl with 70 feet of magical hair who holds the proverbial key to her own freedom.

Critics are generally embracing the latest princess film. Time Magazine film critic Richard Corliss writes, “The film gradually
achieves the complex mix of romance, comedy, adventure and heart that defines the best Disney features.”

The team at Disney has taken
a deep breath and tried to be
all things to all animation-loving
people. There are some
hiccups along the way, but by
the end there is success.
Whether you like stirring
adventure or sentimental
romance, traditional fairy
tales or stories of modern
families, musicals or comedies,
even blonds or brunets,
“Tangled” has something for