May 13, 2011
Review - " Bridesmaids " - (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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Directed by: Paul Feig
Starring: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Ellie Kemper,
Melissa McCarthy & oh yeah there was a groom in there somewhere,
but he isn't important.
Before seeing Bridesmaids I (like everyone else) heard it was
'the female hangover' and 'the funniest movie ever' (isn't EVERY
comedy billed as such?) - let me say right now - it's neither.
Mostly everyone has attended a wedding. Some small, some big,
some just…weird. Anyway, although there are several films about
weddings, this one exposes the often overlooked comedic gem of
Bridesmaids BEFORE the wedding. Annie (Kristin Wiig), a maid of
honor to newly engaged best friend, Lillian (Maya Rudolph). She’s
now got to manage the bridal party, consisting of four other women in
Lillian’s life: Helen (Rose Byrne), the wannabe best friend; Becca
(Ellie Kemper), the work friend; Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey), the
cousin; and Megan (Melissa McCarthy), the groom’s sister.
Annie is single, has a crappy job, a terrible roommate and a junk car.
As Annie starts planning some of the aspects of her best friend’s
wedding, she realizes she’s over her head and just like in any
average female group, there’s someone who thinks they can do it
better. And ensues a game of one-upsmanship where impoverished
best friend Annie has to compete with rich socialite Helen for the
attentions of the bride. Everything she plans goes wrong (duh, it’s a
comedy) and she tries to do her best to keep it all together.
Directed by Paul Feig (creator of Freaks & Geeks) and produced by Judd Apatow (Knocked Up) it’s just good fun. Annie
Mumolo (The Groundlings) and Kristin Wiig wrote the script, so it’s really funny and totally relatable. It could have totally
gone off the rails, but luckily, the characters are well grounded and the story is able to keep you rooting for each one. I
really liked how the characters did not overshadow each other, but rather worked together. It felt more like an ensemble.
Kristin Wiig was clearly the main character, and the only cardboard characters were men, which was quite refreshing
actually. Anyone who’s a fan of Mad Men will love Jon Hamm as the sleazy jerk.
One thing that bothered me was the derailed
trip to Las Vegas. Such a tease. This could
have been a femme-fest, and even though it’s
about all the crazy stuff you have to do to be
a maid of honor and be in a bridal party, I think
men will be able to relate and enjoy as well.
It’s not perfect, but I really liked Bridesmaids.
I enjoyed Kristin Wiig in Extract and Whip It
and have since been looking forward to her in
a lead role. Once you throw in the supporting
cast, it’s really just a good time. Often when
you get too many great people together on a
film, disaster ensues. This time around
however, the people involved in this film are
able to really entertain.