July 8, 2011
Review - " Horrible Bosses " - (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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Things aren't going much better for Kurt and Dale.
Kurt seemed to be heir apparent at the family-owned business Pellit & Son. After the founder's untimely passing, however,
the Son part of that equation gets messy fast, with cocaine-addled Bobby Pellit assuming command. On his first day as boss,
Bobby informs Kurt it's time to trim the fat. Literally. "I want you to fire the fat people," he instructs. "You can start with large
Marge." Things deteriorate from there, as Bobby begins partying with prostitutes - in his office - during the workday. And he's
shamelessly eager to appropriate company funds to fuel his hedonistic pursuits.
All Dale ever wanted, meanwhile, was to be a doting husband. And the earnest dental assistant is on the verge of realizing
that dream with his sweet fiancée, Stacy. There's just one problem: His boss, dentist Julia Harris, is an insatiable sexual
predator. She'll stop at nothing to seduce poor Dale—often as they work on anesthetized patients together.
As the drinks and horror stories pile up, an offhand joke about offing their bosses somehow takes root as an actionable idea.
"You would have to admit our lives would be easier if our bosses weren't alive," Kurt suggests. "They're going to die
eventually anyway. We'd just be accelerating that natural process. If one evil person has to die for the greater good, so be it."
Dale's dismayed. "I don't care how bad our bosses are," he says. "We're not murderers."
But when Julia tries to blackmail him into having sex with her the very next day, threatening to show Stacy some steamy,
seemingly incriminating pictures she took of him while he was unconscious and ostensibly getting dental work done, even
Dale snaps.
"I'm in," he proclaims. "Let's kill this bitch." And the other two horrible bosses, too.
They head to the seedy part of town looking for a hit man where they meet Motherfucker Jones (Jaime Foxx), an ex-con who
takes their money in exchange for advice on how to carry out a perfect crime.
That’s when it all goes perfectly wrong.
This funny film manages to deliver one of the few razor-sharp comedy scripts in a while with an equally sharp cast; Jamie
Foxx, Colin Farrell, Donald Sutherland and Julie Bowen (“Modern Family”) round out this witty cast of oddballs who won’t let
you down. "Horrible Bosses" has some good jokes, extremely likable performances and, yes, a real and vital plot. It's a
comedy with some suspense and even some stakes.

Horrible Bosses
Directed by: Seth Gordon
Starring: Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer
Aniston, Colin Farrell, Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland, Julie Bowen,
Jamie Foxx, Lindsay Sloane
The dark-comedy movie trend continues with Warner Brother’s
release of Seth Gordon's “Horrible Bosses.” Jason Sudeikis and
Charlie Day are paired up once again (“Going the Distance”), and led
by Jason Bateman in this big-boy comedy about three friends, Nick
(Bateman), Kurt (Sudeikis), and Dale (Day) at their wits end at work.

"I work for the Antichrist."
That's how Nick Hendricks describes his horrible boss to buddies Kurt and Dale over happy-hour draughts. He's "extra evil,"
Nick adds, for emphasis.
And so he is.
Nick's slaved for years to earn a promotion at Comnidyne, putting up with the tyrannical whims of the brokerage's despotic
president, Dave Harken. But when Harken decides to make himself vice president of sales (and gives himself an 85% raise
for the trouble), Nick snaps - and sadistic Harken snaps back. "I own you," he spits. "So settle in."