January 30, 2012
Review - " Top 10 best and Bottom 10 worst films of 2011 "
By Roland Hansen
For comments or to submit a movie review for possible inclusion on Delta Films site
please send an email to Critics@deltafilms.net
Everybody loves top ten lists and I'm no exception The movie year is now over and since
we have now released the Delta's Choice Awards I figured I could put out my list of the
ten best and worst of 2011. So here they are in order from best to worst my choices for
the best and worst films that Hollywood served us up in 2011.
The Top Ten Best Movies of 2011
#1 Midnight in Paris
#2 The Help
#3 Sarah's Key
#4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
#5 Descendants
#6 We Bought a Zoo
#7 Never Let Me Go
#8 50/50
#9 The Adjustment Bureau
#10 Source Code
When I published my top best and worst half way through the year I couldn't manage to limit
myself to just 5 each. As it turned out 4 of the top 10 from the first half of the year DID end
up in the top ten for 2011. And 5 of the 10 worst movies from the beginning of the year made
it to the final shit-list. Pretty even split as one might expect. However, last year in the
halfway point best/worst list I only included films I saw in the theatres and not on DVD. This
year I chose to also include DVD releases as well. As it turns out nine of the top ten I saw in
the theater but of the bottom ten only 3 were seen at the cinema. My guess is that I am
getting pretty good at ferreting out the bad movies from the previews and avoiding wasting
my hard earned cash on them. So here are the dregs, the turkeys, the excrement - just plain
The Ten Worst Movies of 2010 (listed from Bad to worse)

This is a romantic comedy set in Paris about a family that
goes there because of business, and two young people who
are engaged to be married in the fall have experiences there
that change their lives. It's about a young man's great love
for a city, Paris and the illusion people have that a life
different from theirs would be much better. Midnight
effortlessly captures the charm of Paris, of the 1920s jazz
age, of the modern day obsession with wealth and status,
and of the exasperating nature of the overachieving prep
stud – whose scenes earned some of the film’s biggest
laughs. Most of all Woody Allen creates a classic-style
romance with just the right balance of fantasy and realism
that you can’t help but dive into as you barrack for Gil’s
success. One of the most delightful films you’ll see this year!

The secret at the heart of Never Let Me Go is genuinely
distressing, and yet when it finally comes to light, the film
remains steadfastly understated. A beautifully crafted
meditation on what it means to be human. The disturbing
power of the story speaks for itself here thanks to the
luscious cinematography, stirring score and wonderful
performances. Never Let Me Go is a motion picture that
keeps you guessing, shocks you with the awful truth and then
tears your emotions apart. However, as sad and bleak as this
movie is, its exceptional story is even more spellbinding -
especially given the level talent involved. Never Let Me Go is
also oddly compelling. A fascinating sense of mystery paired
with a character-driven story that is intensified by truly terrific
performances by Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightly and Andrew
Garfield make for a rewarding cinematic experience - even if
it does cause you to feel utterly hopeless.

A helicopter pilot recruited for a top-secret military operation
finds himself on a startlingly different kind of mission in
Source Code, a smart, fast-paced action thriller that
challenges our assumptions about time and space. Filled
with mind-boggling twists and heart-pounding suspense.
Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) awakens on a
speeding commuter train with no idea how he got there.
Seated across from him is Christina (Michelle Monaghan), a
woman he doesn’t know, but who clearly believes she knows
him. This little thriller is packed with a nice balance of
laughter, poignancy and tenseness…and even romance
to break up the somber tone. I simply enjoyed every minute
of it, and I think these types of movies could help revitalize
the science fiction world greatly. Source Code is definitely
worth while and a must see.

Engaging from start to finish,The Help reveals the humor,
sadness, joy, and courage of the women who dared to
change their black and white society. From the messages of
courage and the power in loving your enemy comes a story
of a few women who dared to challenge the system set in
Jackson, Mississippi. It touches on the evil and the good
done by white and black, showing the extremes of our
humanity. For its inspiring story and cast of exceptional
talent, The Help earns high marks and a spot on my favorite
movies of 2011 list. Dramatizing the stupidity of prejudice
and the expansive possibilities open to those who overcome
it, "The Help" is a richly humanistic tale mature viewers will

Ordered by the Nazis to reduce the Jewish population in
occupied France in 1942, the French authorities went on a
mass arrest; imprisoning thousands of French Jews in a
Parisian velodrome under inhuman conditions. In Sarah’s
Key a 0-year-old girl named Sarah attempts to save her
younger brother Michel before she is taken away; locking
him in the closet and making him promise not to leave until
she returns. When the prisoners are moved to concentration
camps and split up, Sarah realises she must escape if she is
to be in with a chance of freeing Michel.
Meanwhile in the present, an American journalist named
Julia Jarmond is beginning to research a piece surrounding
the inhuman events of 1940s Paris. When she and her
husband inherit a small flat in the city itself, she soon finds
herself woven into young Sarah’s story, unable and unwilling
to free herself from it for reasons she can’t decipher.

We have now watched three young English pre-teens grow
up into powerful, clever, and talented wizards, and their
education in and out of Hogwarts culminates in this eighth
incarnation of the Harry Potter series. Without hesitation,
the film picks up immediately where the first part left off.
Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Harmione (Emma Watson),
and Ron (Rupert Grint) continue to seek out the last
remaining Horcruxes before Voldermort retrieves them.
Voldermort continues to place pressure on the trio and
Hogwarts to find Potter. The inevitable battle between Potter
and Voldermort gets closer and closer. There's so much in
this film that delivers catharsis. There's been so much
tension between Ron and Hermoine and finally we get to
see them express their love for each other and it is beautiful
and inspiring. Then there's the revelation about Snape,
which is so wonderful because I've never believed that he
was as bad as everyone was making him out to be, nobody
can fool Dumbledore, and finally - vindication! Then, of
course, there's the battle between Harry and Voldemort,
which is everything a fan would hope for.

Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate
us? Matt Damon stars in the thriller The Adjustment Bureau
as a man who glimpses the future 'Fate' has planned for him
and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must
pursue the only woman he's ever loved across, under and
through the streets of modern-day New York. With the strong
on scene chemistry provided between Damon and Blunt;
both male and female moviegoers will leave the theater
knowing that the heart wants what it wants and no seen and
unseen forces can destroy that need. The Adjustment
Bureau is a well-paced, well-balanced, and artful sci-fi thriller
that doesn't feel the need to lob fistfights or car chases at
you in order to entertain. It was by far the best movie I
watched this weekend, possibly even this year.
Matt’s wife, Elizabeth, is lying in a hospital bed in a coma
following a boating accident. By all accounts, she’s been a
bit of a wild child her whole life, but now there isn’t much
hope that she’s going to make it. Matt, who hasn’t been the
most available or hands-on father, must now take care of the
couple’s two daughters on his own: 17-year-old boarding
school rebel Alexandra and 10-year-old troublemaker
Scottie. Then another bombshell: Elizabeth was having an
affair at the time of her accident. Matt is understandably
incensed by the discovery, but he’s also curious to find out
who this guy is, and his bumbling attempts at casual stalking
provide some much-needed comic relief. Despite the
heartrending topic(s). The performances are outstanding all-
around, even possibly award-winning. The pitch-perfect
combination of tragedy and comedy turns the film into a
poignant one well-worth watching multiple times.

Benjamin (Matt Damon) is still grieving over the recent death
of his wife. He is struggling to help his family cope,
particularly his brooding 14-year old son Dylan (Colin Ford).
Anxious to make a fresh start, Benjamin quits his job as a
reporter and moves the family to a big house on a sprawling
property on the outskirts of town. The catch is that the
house comes with its own ramshackle private zoo, an
adventure park that has been closed to the public for a
couple of years. However, Rosemoor is still home to several
dozen endangered species, and Benjamin decides to
reopen the zoo. In interacting with both the animals and the
human staff – including Scarlett Johansson as workaholic
zoo manager Kelly, Patrick Fugit, Angus Macfadyen’s angry
drunk MacCready, and teenage intern Lily (Elle Fanning) –
Benjamin’s family slowly begins to heal. We Bought A Zoo
deals with some strong and universal themes like grief,
fatherhood, responsibility, angst, and family dynamics, and it
contains some strong moral messages, and there is not
enough cute animal antics to placate younger audiences.

Based on the true story of screenwriter Will Reiser’s battle
with cancer, “50/50” is about 27-year-old Adam, a guy who
doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink and does virtually everything
right, being diagnosed with cancer. After getting over the
initial shock and the discomfort of having to deal with an
anxious mother and a shrewish girlfriend, Rachael, Adam’s
friend, Kyle tries to get him to look on the bright side of
things. They go about doing idiotic things as idiotic guys do,
like trying to get laid by telling girls about Adam’s cancer or
shaving off Adam’s hair with Kyle’s razor that he incidentally
also uses for his balls. It’s endearing and makes “50/50” a
refreshing new take on the cancer/terminal illness genre.
While not a perfect movie, “50/50” is certainly a very good
one that is enjoyable and touching at the same time. The
perfect balance of adolescent humor with moments of real
poignancy makes “50/50” a movie you won’t want to miss.
#10 2012: Ice Age
#2 Mean Girls 2
When a volcanic eruption in Greenland sends a glacier
hurtling toward North America, Bill Hart, along with his wife
Teri, and son Nelson, must make a death-defying escape
from their Maine home as the giant iceberg crashes through
New England. The Harts must find daughter Julia in the
chaotic streets of New York before the city is wiped out by
the onrushing glacier. And as a new Ice Age settles over the
eastern sea board, their path is made all the more
treacherous by blinding snowstorms and lethal gales of
flying ice. The computer effects are done really poorly and it
looks like something that a high school kid will do in
Photoshop and Microsoft movie Maker. The acting is .....
ummmm .... perhaps adequate? You have to give the actors
credit for at least trying to be believable in this low budget
fiasco - I've seen worse performances, but not many.
#9 The Sitter
The Sitter is your typical nerd story. A nerdy, not so
popular but nice guy is taken advantage of by the beautiful
popular girl. The nerd, in this case Noah (Jonah Hill),
comes to realize he is being used, shedding his
disillusionment he begins to value himself and finds a girl,
who also happens to be beautiful, that values him for who
he is. Sounds like we have seen this before, and we have,
only executed much better. I like Jonah Hill. I'm a fan. I like
his brand of lovable loser comedy. I liked him in Superbad, I
liked him in Knocked Up. I liked him in Forgetting Sarah
Marshall, The Invention of Lying, Funny People and
Moneyball. I even liked him in the unlikable Get Him to the
Greek. So I was really looking forward to The Sitter. It
looked like it had a great premise, but it failed miserably.
The bizarre humor is sometimes loopy enough to get a
"what the hell?" laugh, but overall it's unfocused and sloppy.
#8 Season of the Witch
This film is set in the 14th century. It starts off by following
two soldiers fighting in the crusades in ‘the name of God’.
However during one of the battles Behmen (Nicholas Cage)
accidentally kills an innocent woman and sees many other
innocent people massacred. Surely God can’t want the
slaughter of so many people. They desert the army and
return to Germany. They are then given the task of
transporting a girl who has been declared a witch to a
monastery where they will be able to tell if she is truly a
witch or not. The plot seemed incredibly slow, and dragged
out unnecessarily. I would say two-thirds of the film
consisted of their struggle to reach the monastery, and it
was just boring, there’s really no other way to put it. The
group encounter various obstacles along the way, but it’s
nothing new or original, and it slips back into old
stereotypes of having to cross rickety bridges and fighting
off wolves, and it just felt outdated.
#7 Hoodwinked Too
Ray is a bored bank teller who hates everything about his life.
Everything changes when not 1 but 2 groups of bank robbers
bust through the door. Suddenly, Ray's worst day has
become his best day ever. A few funny lines are this movie's
only saving grace. This was poorly filmed, poorly scripted,
and definately not suited for the big screen. Looks like an old
"made for tv" movie that wouldn't even get a re-run on
comedy central. I usually like the corny stuff. This isn't corny,
it's just BAD. And not bad in a good way. I don't ever know if
I've ever seen anything so utterly stupid. Makes the worst
movie you've ever seen look like Shakespeare. literally an
hour and a half of corny sarcastic jokes with lots of foul
language and sexual inuendo. not appropriate to watch with
children in the house. no action.

In Hoodwinked Too, Hood Vs. Evil, an unfunny and
unnecessary sequel, girls in the Hood try to recover a recipe
for a magical truffle. This trite trifle is like a bad cake—flat
and way past its "best by" date. Red saves Hansel and
Gretel from the clutches of Verushka the Witch. But the two
tubby tots are actually in cahoots with Verushka. Together
they kidnap Granny and force her to bake a top-secret
dessert that empowers the consumer with superhuman
abilities. Red teams up with the Big Bad Wolf to thwart this
diabolical culinary plan before the villains can obtain the
recipe's mystery ingredient.This new Hoodwinked feels much
like so many other unmemorable movies that pass through
theaters. And that is truly disappointing considering their
previous outing was so original and enjoyable.
Like Gretchen Weiners and her attempts at making British
slang popular stateside, we should all just stop trying to
replicate the genius of "Mean Girls," because let’s face it: it's
never going to happen. Unlike the naturally pretty, cool, funny
girl at school, "Mean Girls 2" is the slightly pathetic social
climber who is wearing the flashiest new accessory in hopes
of being seen by the popular clique and pulled out from the
dregs of the cafeteria. Maybe it’s unfair to compare this to the
original, which set the bar for satirical takes on teenage life,
as well as genuine comedy, but if you're bold enough to
market yourself as "Mean Girls," you best come prepared.
And unlike Regina George, we’ll tell it to you straight: that was
one of the ugliest effing sequels we’ve ever seen.

Stone, a grey, quiet, drab movie about the parole officer’s
darkness and the arsonist’s cunning. The results prove
disappointing, simultaneously over the top and
underwhelming. That’s too bad because until that detour
“Stone” keeps you watching, engaged and guessing. You
can understand why the filmmakers didn’t want to make just
another genre movie in which everything falls neatly into
place. They want to mess with our heads, but intelligently.
The paradox is that what they try to subvert in “Stone” —
namely, your viewing habits — are intrinsic to your
enjoyment of the movie. They summon up past pulp delights
with a couple of baddies and a dame with snake hips and
eyes, only to toss them out in exchange for an ending that is
unpredictable yet also flat. They end up subverting
expectations by denying pleasure.

Baby Doll is sent to this gothic hilltop asylum, where she
shares a ward with inmates named Sweet Pea, Rocket,
Blondie and Amber. Oscar Isaac is Blue, Lennox House's
sinister overseer. Sucker Punch toggles back and forth, to
and fro, between alternating mindscapes, as Baby Doll and
her team embark on an epic scavenger hunt. They need to
find a map, then fire, then a knife and then a key. "The fifth
thing is a mystery" intones Scott Glenn, playing a kind of Zen
master who seems to have boned up on his riddle-me-this
delivery by watching episodes of David Carradine's 'Kung
Fu'. "Begin your journey" he tells Baby Doll. "It will set you
free." Exit the theater. It will set you freer. Or better yet -
don't go in in the first place.
#6 Sucker Punch
#5 Stone
#4 Living Will
Will's best friend and roommate Belcher, (Ryan Dunn) a
party bum slacker, returns from the dead as a cocky,
mischievous, and perverted ghost. He soon discovers his
cousin, Krista, has shacked up and moved in with his best
friend, Will. Belcher will do anything and everything to
destroy this relationship and get his prank buddy back.
The camera work is bad.On top of this, the acting is pretty
lame. This is pretty typical of the Jackass crew, as they
generally use their lack of skills in order to be ironic. In this
case though it seemed less like they were trying to make a
comedy, and more like they were trying to be serious, which
means that the lack of skills was not endearing…at all.
Dunn’s quips were not balanced out with over-the-top
situations like they would normally be, so they just came out
seeming forced. The plot was stupid and predictable. I kept
waiting for the movie to get funny and make up or all this,
but it never did. This movie was the last thing he did before
be died! This was seriously awful.

#3 Held Up
#1 The Tree of Life
One of the most pretentious pieces of pseudo-intellectual
garbage I have ever seen. The photography is great,
however that is not what a film is about. The whole film turns
around a guy and his relation with is father and the burden
of his brother's death. really simple story, with no need for
mental masturbation over two and one half hours. I'm willing
to bet that in the near future no one will ever remember this
film. This film gathered another award: my life's greatest
cinematic disappointment. there's simply no plot. You don't
know who to root for or sympathize with. There's no hero,
no challenge, no arc. It's just a 2 1/2 hour collage of short
I often like pretentious or intellectual movies.
I HATED The Tree of Life