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February 17, 2012
Review - " This Means War "  -  (in theaters) By Roland Hansen
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This Means War
Directed by: McG
Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Chelsea Handler, Til
Schweiger, Abigail Spencer, Angela Bassett, Rosemary Harris

This Means War is an action/rom-com movie. The plot of this movie is easy
and not something we haven’t seen before : two guys fight to try to win over
a girl.  FDR Foster (Chris Pine) and Tuck (Tom Hardy) are two CIA agents
who happen to start dating the same woman, Lauren (Reese Witherspoon).  
The moment they realize that they’re both dating Lauren, they turn
everything into a best man wins wager.

First twenty minutes or so of the movie, we get to see their relationship as
partners and best friends and their covert mission. I have to say Pine and
Hardy do have good on-screen chemistry and make their friendship very

The rest of the movie is turned into a competition between the two men, at
first tame and then growing in proportion as they start using government
and CIA resources to sabotage each other. Realistic? Nope. Fun? Oh yes.

Chris Pine’s character is a huge womanizer, a playboy with a credit card, not
someone you could actually believe is a CIA agent, but that’s ok. He makes
a sort of credible transition from that to a guy who cares about something or
someone else other than himself.
Tom Hardy’s Tuck I actually believe to be a badass CIA op and the paintball scene with him is really fun and cool to watch.

Lauren and her friend Trish, played by Chelsea Handler, are kinda of annoying at times, the first with her complaints and
insecurities and going along with dating two men and Trish ..she’s the cliché best friend any rom-com movie has.

The action scenes are spread
around and the way they’re
filmed, shaky camera style
and quick shots all over,
makes it hard to follow. But if
you manage to do just that,
you’ll get to see some pretty
nice fighting.  Also, FDR and
Tuck’s case becomes a
secondary plot to the romance
part of the film, so you only
get to see the bad guys now
and then. Apart from the fact
that they, of course, appear
toward the end of the movie
to wreak havoc and kidnap
Lauren and Trish.

It’s definitely not an original
movie, not incredibly smart or
witty. However, if you take it
for what it is, you will enjoy it.
It’s funny and entertaining.